Advantages Of Our

Shipping Services

We consolidate orders of different genuine brands into one container. Alltrade can help customers repack different brands of Parts into the same packing case to achieve cost-savings through maximising container space when shipping your goods.

We consolidate orders from other Singaporean suppliers to form one container. Allowing you to:

We Assist To Arrange

Professional Shipping Documents

Alltrade can help to arrange switching of Bill of Lading (BL) for re-export to customer’s customer. For joint-shipment, we can also assist customer’s supplier to declare export permit, and issue Subsidiary Export Certificate to claim back Goods Services Taxes (GST).

This will help customer save on associated exporting and importing shipping charges as they would only need to issue one BL instead of multiple BLs.

We Arrange For

Professional Fumigation Services

Based on customer’s country importation requirements, we are able to arrange container fumigation through our fumigator which is accredited by Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) in carrying out ISPM 15 fumigation for export to almost all countries worldwide.

If customer have other Singapore’s suppliers cargo which contains timber packaging for joint shipment, we could also arrange the necessary fumigation.

Shipping car spare parts in Asia
We Source For The

Cheapest Shipping Arrangement


Shipping car spare parts in Asia

We source for the cheapest shipping arrangement from our wide pool of shipping agents.

If the customer have a nominated forwarder, Alltrade will collaborate with them to achieve customer’s individual needs.

Alternatively, we can also help in sourcing for the cheapest ocean freight and shipping charges via our team of forwarders whom are leading integrated global services providers with extensive networks in air, sea and road freight arrangements.



Talk to our team today and find out how we can meet all your GENUINE automotive or car parts needs.